Children’s Museum of Illinois

The Children’s Museum of Illinois chose Boss Display to create a captivating water exhibit showcasing the region's agriculture industry. The collaborative effort resulted in the creation of a dynamic and engaging water table that not only educates but also encourages exploration. By integrating custom themed elements inspired by the local surroundings, children can discover the wonders of agriculture in a fun and engaging way.

Project: Soybean Water Table

Location: Decatur, IL

Installed: September 2023

The exhibit sponsor, the Illinois Soybean Association, completed the gallery with a large mural behind the table.

The water table is brimming with interactive space allowing multiple guests to all play in parallel.

Guests can sail their boats down the themed river table, interacting with boat locks and custom soybean topography.

Guests can unload their cargo at the shipping dock via magnetic crane.

Custom boats were designed to reflect the cargo boats on the local river.

Visitors can use the nets to simulate cleaning up debris from the river.

This stunning water exhibit has interactives for all ages and encourages guests to get hands-on as they learn and play.

Scale models of several local buildings were created and visitors can light the city up at night with the changing RGB color scheme.